Saturday, March 24, 2012


Internet! I have an announcement.

This blog has been dead for the past few months. I'm moving into Wordpress because it's prettier and new things tend to keep my attention longer. Also, the title is changing because I do what I want.

Follow me on Wordpress at
Also, I'm still on Tumblr at

Thanks for reading!


Sunday, January 29, 2012

My boyfriend got a text from an unknown number.

  • Unknown Number: Heyyyyy :)
  • Boyfriend: Okay, I don't know who this is.
  • Me: She used multiple "y"s. She totally wants to bone.
  • Boyfriend: What do I say?
  • Me: Tell her, " should probably get tested."

Friday, January 27, 2012

Kickass Item of the Day

Of course this mug is from Urban Outfitters.
Have you ever woken up in the morning and felt like emancipating something? Now you can. At the very least, you'll look like you can.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Noncomplaint: Musings

Yesterday and today have been really lazy. Mostly because I'm sick with some sort of fatigue/sore throat deal, but also because I'm hugely afraid of starting up school again.

Winter break is officially ending - the new quarter starts on Monday, and one of my classes is an introductory Creative Writing class. There, I'll be faced with the decision of what in the world I want to do with my life. Sort of.

You see, I started college with the full intention of becoming a doctor. A full-blown medical doctor with a good amount of sass and humor and sexiness.

Photo credit.
Forever a role model.
Of course, I soon realized that, as a med-student, I would be married to my weakest subject (mathy science and all math-related things) and disregard any sort of social life (not like I had any to begin with HEYOO). I also realized that I was more interested in the idea of becoming a doctor than the amount of work required to become one. So, being a doctor was scraped.

I jumped from wanting to be a Psychologist to Journalist to a short stint as an English teacher (that ended quickly because things like "teaching" and "children" are not my forte) before I realized that I really, really like writing. So, here I am: an English major, seriously considering switching into my school's Creative Writing program, wondering if I even have what it takes to make a living doing something I enjoy.

That's all that matters though, right? As long as I'm doing what I love, I'm doing something right. Sure, I'll probably have to have a Real Job to pay the bills before I find myself as a writer (oh god that sounds so pretentious). But my hopes are that I'll be able to find success in some form or another.

I'm just kind of winging it right now, and to be honest, it's kind of fun.

I am a fan of meticulously planning everything. I can't go somewhere without knowing who I'm going with, where we're going, how much money I'll need, and how I'm getting home, weeks before I actually go anywhere.

I reach a point where I'm badgering people with questions like, "How far is it?" "How long will it take to get there?" "Are you factoring in weather conditions?" "Are you prepared for a natural disaster, like a tornado?" "Yes, I know tornadoes are not a Thing in California." "What about a zombie apocalypse? We're in 2012 now, you know."

Photo credit.
I don't go places very often.

But anyway, knowing that I'm not 100% on my future is...kind of cool, actually. It's different. I know I want to finish my degree. I know I want to write. I know I want to have Cuddle Timez with Boyfriend and our fat dogbearsealpig, Martha. That's it. That's my plan for the next few years.

And that's enough.

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Habits


It's been 2012 for two days now, and I've been thinking about what I'm going to try and accomplish this year.

My problem: New Year's resolutions stink. They're impossible to accomplish because I always forget about my resolutions or make them far too ambitious. Soon enough I start thinking to myself, "do I really expect to do [impossible resolution] every day? HA."

Sleepy Puppy knows what I'm talking about.
I think everyone else experiences something like this, too. After all, the gym by my house is always packed at the start of the year because everyone resolves, "By golly, I'm going to hit up the gym scene every morning 'til I'm beat!"

(Apparently, everyone talks like they're from the 1950s at the start of the year, too.)

But sure enough, attendance begins to thin out by February until only the true die-hard fitness folks are left, scoffing at our attempts to pump iron on a regular basis.

Pictured: something that is easy to not do. I'm busy eating.

Someone wise mentioned setting habits instead of resolutions, and I've decided to do exactly that.

"Resolutions" sound too wishy-washy to me. They set a tone that invites failure and skimping. But to set a habit implies commitment and dedication, something which I think sounds more hardcore and significant.

So, here are my habits for 2012.
  • Perform at least one exercise-related-something per day. It only counts if I break a sweat.
  • Eat healthier. Incorporate more fruits, veggies, and green tea (I'm not cutting out things like chili cheese fries entirely because holy balls I love me some chili cheese fries).
  • Write creatively at least once per day. No minimum to how much I write, and this can include editing something I've written or just writing in my journal. Even though I haven't written in my journal since last year (first lame joke of 2012 - you're welcome, Internet).
They're vague enough that I'll be able to actually accomplish them, but focused enough that I'll still stand to benefit. Will it work? WE SHALL SEE.

This is a bit more achievable.
Are you planning to set any habits? Talk about it in the comments.

(Who am I talking to? You. I'm talking to you.)